More Features
Customers coming to the website with a specific date in their mind can quickly reach out to the appropriate event by looking at your calendar. The 31-day calendar layout allows customers to experience clean and elaborative visibility of the upcoming events. This calendar allows the monthly as well as yearly visibility of the events.
Registrations Dashboard
With our well-designed dashboard, event organizers can get an overview of registration details for an event. The dashboard offers smart metrics detailing, registration status, total registrations; canceled, archived, confirmed, etc. The dashboard also features a button to download and export CSV files to your local device
Producers can quickly sell their tickets without setting up anything extra. Paid tickets, donation tickets, live events and online events. Whenever a customer purchases a ticket, a purchase record is created automatically. Instantly, on your customer’s approval/ payment, tickets are promptly emailed to your customer.
Stripe Split Payment
Revenue directly goes to the producers’ stripe account for all sold tickets. In compliance with the order IDs, the producers receive specific details about the payments received, along with taxes and fees that go to VIP Ticket Hub.
Attendee Information
Producers and make a small addition to the event submission form, which makes a drastic difference in the data, event producers can collect. The information collected from the attendee is totally under the discretion of the event producers and can be selected by them in the event submission form.

Zoom API Connection
Producers can create meetings, add users, add events, all at the frontend. Instead of relying only on an admin account, every host/producer can now connect their own zoom account and add events directly on the frontend, resulting in effective selling meetings and webinars.
Guest List
You can automatically register your guests simply by adding these guests to the Guest groups. The Frontend allows the producer to create Individual and segregated guest groups for their events, asking them to fill in their Group Name and Group description.
Name Badges
Producers can generate badges in advance to easily manage the event management process and avoid inconveniences during the entries, as well as an ON demand Printer facility, where producers can generate badges on the day of the event.

HubSpot CRM
A full-featured inbound marketing software platform designed to aid in the growth of your company, the HubSpot CRM when integrated with help of API will allow you to optimize your event for quality traffic, lead conversions, customer communications, sales, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Constant Contact
Individual producers may customize the settings by integrating their keys into their event dashboard, bringing their email marketing synchronization one step closer.

Sync event attendees smoothly to the list in your Sendinblue account. Choose from various events that you would like to include, and link them to the audience list that was previously generated in your Sendinblue account.

Synchronize event attendees seamlessly to a list in your Mailchimp account. Pick the attendees from specific events that you would like to include, and sync them in the audience list created previously in your Mailchimp account.

Salesforce CRM
Integration of API key and Account Url from the campaign account will start transmitting the data of the attendee in almost real-time, based on the settings. This facilitates the process of following up on emails, marketing campaigns, event cancellations, etc.

Zoho CRM
Integration of API key and Account Url from the campaign account will start transmitting the data of the attendee in almost real-time, based on the settings. This facilitates the process of following up on emails, marketing campaigns, event cancellations, etc.

Active Campaign
Integration of API key and Account Url from the campaign account will start transmitting the data of the attendee in almost real-time, based on the settings. This facilitates the process of following up on emails, marketing campaigns, event cancellations, etc.

Recurring Events
Like your never-failing alarm clock, producers can repeats events on a daily, weekly, mounthly or yearly basis without fail. Proving to be a life-saver for your event organizers, the add-on saves the trouble of painfully remembering and spending time on creating the same event listing every day.
Embed Generator
The event listing producer can generate embed code using the Embed Generator. This embed code can display producers event listings wherever they use this Embed Generator code.
Import Events to Google Calendar
Google calendar is the handiest calendar to make us remember everything, be it events or special dates. This enables the users to let google calendar remind its users of all the events, by just importing the iCal file on it. You can import all your events to your Google Calendar.

July 21-25, 2024
House of Comedy
Detroit, MI

September 17-23, 2023
Chill X Studio
Vancouver, BC

June 13 - Aug 29, 2023
Comedy After Dark
117 W Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1S5